- Construct Intel Austin
- Authors
- Austin Archuleta

Austin Archuleta
Austin Archuleta brings over 15 years of experience at the intersection of real estate, technology, and business to his role as co-founder and lead author of Construct Intel. With a lifelong passion for innovation and creativity, Austin leverages his analytical abilities, attention to detail, and keen business acumen to deliver tech-powered solutions in the real estate sphere. After honing his skills as a tech executive and product leader for 6+ years, Austin merged his love of technology with his enthusiasm for real estate. He obtained his real estate license in Austin and eventually founded Smart Austin Realty Group, assembling a team of experts to provide clients with a tailored real estate experience. Seeing a need for more tech-enabled solutions in real estate, Austin launched Construct Intel in 2022 with Glenn Hart as an AI-powered data platform tracking permits, contractors, and developments in the Austin area. He rapidly built an MVP using automation and data analysis, attracting over 1,500 subscribers. Austin excels at articulating complex technological concepts into compelling narratives. Through Construct Intel and his wealth of experience, he aims to make the world of real estate and construction more accessible, transparent, and navigable.